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Results for likelihood constant
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6 votes

A proof for existence of MLE

In the extreme case, possibly you could find a function $\delta(\theta)$ that makes the likelihood function constant in the entire range. … That would require you to solve for a function $\delta(\theta)$ that makes the likelihood constant. …
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
10 votes

Why is the posterior distribution the same as likelihood function when uniform prior distrib...

The posterior is prior$\,\times\,$likelihood$\,\times\,$constant; the uniform density is simply a constant and gets absorbed in the other constant term. … Take as an explicit example the prior $\mathrm{uniform}(0,1)$; then, since the prior pdf is $f(\theta) = 1$, prior$\,\times\,$likelihood = 1$\,\times\,$likelihood = likelihood. …
einar's user avatar
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6 votes

Question on AIC and stepAIC

From the Details section we have: The log-likelihood and hence the AIC is only defined up to an additive constant. …
Gavin Simpson's user avatar
5 votes

Does multiplying the likelihood by a constant change the Bayesian inference using MCMC?

While we commonly refer to "the" likelihood function, this is actually a class of functions defined up to a positive multiplicative constant. … Moreover, multiplication by a constant does not even change the fact that you are still using a valid likelihood function. …
Ben's user avatar
  • 133k
8 votes

Wikipedia entry on likelihood seems ambiguous

First, likelihood cannot be generally equal to a the probability of the data given the parameter value, as likelihood is only defined up to a proportionality constant. … If you choose a different model you get a different likelihood function, and you can get a different unknown proportionality constant. …
Michael Lew's user avatar
  • 17.3k
40 votes

How to derive the likelihood function for binomial distribution for parameter estimation?

Why does the constant go away? … More philosophically, a likelihood is only meaningful for inference up to a multiplying constant, such that if we have two likelihood functions $L_1,L_2$ and $L_1=kL_2$, then they are inferentially equivalent …
user avatar
11 votes

Why does the likelihood function of a binomial distribution not include the combinatorics term?

We often don’t care about the likelihood, just the value for which the likelihood is maximized. … When you use the likelihood function to find a maximum likelihood estimator, you get the same point giving the maximum whether you include constants out front or not. …
Dave's user avatar
  • 67.2k
5 votes

Does multiplying the likelihood by a constant change the Bayesian inference using MCMC?

When you multiply the likelihood by the prior, the resulting function may no longer integrate to $1$, hence why you need to know the normalising constant to analytically solve the posterior. … Hence why you don't need to know the normalising constant when emperically estimating the posterior by MCMC. So theoretically, multiplying the likelihood by some constant should not affect MCMC. …
Frans Rodenburg's user avatar
6 votes

Why in Box-Cox method we try to make x and y normally distributed, but that's not an assumpt...

What happens is that boxcox transform maximizes a likelihood function constructed from a constant variance normal model. … What happens is simply that the contribution to the likelihood function from constant variance assumption greatly overshadows changes to the likelihood by small changes to the form of the basic density …
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
12 votes

In the most basic sense, what is marginal likelihood?

model likelihood $\pi(\theta)$ is the prior density is a misnomer in that it is not a likelihood function [as a function of the parameter], since the parameter is integrated out (i.e., the likelihood … See also Normalizing constant in Bayes theorem Normalizing constant irrelevant in Bayes theorem? Intuition of Bayesian normalizing constant
Xi'an's user avatar
  • 108k
9 votes

Does high log-likelihood imply high R^2

No, since for linear regression log likelihood is a sum of squared residuals plus some other terms, log likelihood is scale dependent. … So for the same model multiplying the regressors by some constant will change log likelihood but R squared will remain the same. …
mpiktas's user avatar
  • 35.4k
6 votes

Diffuse priors Bayes Factor

With prior $\pi$ and likelihood $L$, you can write the marginal likelihood of a model as $$m(y)=\int \pi(\theta) L(\theta;x)d\theta.$$ If your prior is improper, nothing stops you from replacing $\pi … (\theta)$ by $K\cdot \pi(\theta)$, thus multiplying the marginal likelihood by an arbitrary constant $K$. …
Robin Ryder's user avatar
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5 votes

What does it mean intuitively to know a pdf "up to a constant"?

For example, if you want to estimate parameter $p$ of binomial distribution by maximizing it's likelihood, then the only the only thing you need is the binomial density known up to a normalizing constant … The constant is $ \binom n k$ and since it does not change anything about finding maximum of likelihood function $L(p)$, it is not needed. You can ask: So what? …
Tim's user avatar
  • 141k
10 votes

How to interpret negative values for -2LL, AIC, and BIC?

Reproducing an answer of mine from here: Technically, a probability cannot be >1, so a log-likelihood cannot be >0, so a negative log-likelihood cannot be negative. … If we had a discrete distribution (so that the likelihood was really a probability and had to be <= 1) and the normalization constant was sufficiently small, dropping the normalization constant could in …
Ben Bolker's user avatar
  • 47.4k
6 votes

In Bayesian inference, why is p(D) sometimes called "the evidence"?

It is called the marginal likelihood because: this constant value $p(D)$ is what you obtain when you integrate over all possible values of $H$, leaving you with the probability of observing $D$ under your … It is called the normalizing constant because: this constant value $p(D)$ normalizes $p(D|H)p(H)$, making it a proper distribution that integrates to one. …
fool's user avatar
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