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Categorical (also called nominal) data can take on a limited number of possible values called categories. Categorical values "label", they do not "measure". Please use [ordinal-data] tag for discrete but ordered data types.

5 votes

Best way to represent x attributes in y categories in same chart over time series

The values of x and y will drive some of the choices. Just to make things real, here are some examples with your example values of 2 and 3 along the lines of Nick's comments. That is, you're comparing …
xan's user avatar
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4 votes

Effective data visualizations for large numbers of classes

If you can look at only one number per category, there are some bar chart extensions to handle 100s of categories: wrapped bars, piled bars, packed bars, and combined "other" bars. Additionally treema …
xan's user avatar
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1 vote

Nominal data appear better on bar chart and Interval data on line-chart

Here's a small example of three different chart types: stacked bars, side-by-side bars, and overlaid lines. All three are showing the same 6 Y values (3 red and 3 blue), but each has its own conno …
xan's user avatar
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15 votes

How can you visualize the relationship between 3 categorical variables?

This is an interesting data set to try to represent graphically, partly because it's not really categorical. Both 3-level factors are ordinal and there is possible interplay between them (presumably, …
xan's user avatar
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2 votes

One way analysis of continuous variables for classification (Visualising)

This may seem like you're answering your own question because all of the following sketches were mentioned by you in the comment to another answer. Logistical Regression seems to be the most analytic …
xan's user avatar
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5 votes

Help creating a chart to show categorical data over time

As always, the best visual(s) depends on what question(s) you want to answer. Possible questions that would lead to different visuals: Is a guard's pattern is predictable? Is a guard stationary too …
xan's user avatar
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5 votes

How to visualize classifier output?

Since the question is looking for suggestions, here are a few possibilities, without claiming any as "best". Building on Gung's heatmap, we can add marginal values, such as showing the percent correc …
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