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Techniques for analyzing the relationship between one (or more) "dependent" variables and "independent" variables.

1 vote

Probabilistic interpretation of regression for justifying squared loss function

The issue I was having is since $e^{(i)}$ is a r.v in terms of $x^{(i)}$ and $y^{(i)}$. i.e. $$e^{(i)} = y^{(i)} - \theta^{T} x^{(i)}$$ Then if we have: $$p_{e}(e^{(i)}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How quickly will gradient descent converge given only a single training example for a regres...

Consider the case when we are trying to learn a regression function via gradient descent. … However, it seems less obvious how to reason about this in the case of regression and gradient descent. What are people's thoughts? …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Probabilistic interpretation of regression for justifying squared loss function

I was reading Andrew Ng's CS229 lecture notes (page 12) about justifying squared loss risk as a means of estimating regressions parameters. Andres explains that we first need to assume that the target …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
1 vote

Probabilistic interpretation of regression for justifying squared loss function

I also find Andrew Ng's notes confusing because there is a subtle point that isn't explained. What they say is that the noise $\epsilon$ has Gaussian distribution. This ends up being essential. If you …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
0 votes

accuracy of a regression prediction model

check this for normalized eucledian similarity as a candidate measure: Definition of normalized Euclidean distance The answers already have great details!
Charlie Parker's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Linear regression closed form solution and having enough training points

I was trying to understand better when we can learn a unique parameter for linear regression and how much data is required to get one. …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to set the step size for stochastic gradient descent such that its provable it will conv...

Recall stochastic gradient descent (for regression): $\theta = 0 $ $ \text{Randomly select } t \in [1,n]\{\\ \quad \theta^{(k+1)} = \theta^{k} + \eta_{k}(y^{(t)} - \theta \cdot x^{(t)})x^{(t)}\\ … Also an answer that contains a proof, even if its for some special case, say "convex function" or in the case of linear regression or whatever the case is, but that provides some insight (or a proof) why …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
5 votes

What does the logit value actually mean?

To add a more modern (but not very deep) perspective, consider how it's used in deep learning (ha, pun intended...): logit is referred to the output of a function (e.g. a Neural Net) just before it's …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does one really need to normalize the features of a regression model when doing R^2 explaine...

TLDR; I want to know the percentage % of explained variance of the dependent variable given a list of D independent variables with crazy different scales -- but I believe that given convexity of regression
Charlie Parker's user avatar
2 votes

How to perform non-negative ridge regression?

Recall we are trying to solve: $$ \text{minimize}_{x}\,\,\,\,\left\Vert Ax-y\right\Vert _{2}^{2}+ \lambda \| x \|^2_2 \,\,\,\,\text{s.t. }x>0 $$ is equivalent to: $$ \text{minimize}_{x}\,\,\,\,\lef …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

When doing regression with a singled layered Neural Network, what activation function is the...

I was training a singled layered (shallow) neural network as in: $$ f(x) = \sum^K_{k} c_k\theta(W_k x+b_k)$$ for regression (using squared error loss) or function approximation. …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to do a very simple 2D regression but fix the gradient to a value (or offset)?

I want to let the gradient be a constant, say $3$ and then regress on the offset. Its obvious that one can do GD (or SGD) on something like the L2 loss of this. But this seems such an easy problem tha …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does one compare the statistical performance of different models on a regression or func...

I wanted to compare and potentially justify that one model is better than another on function approximation or (regression task). … However, its unclear to me what type of normalization would be sensible for function approximation since it would be nice to not "screw up" the regression task because of normalization. …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Does minimum norm solution guarantee generalization in the underconstrained case (in the sta...

Recall that pseudo-inverse can be characterized as follows: Solve $$ \| w \|^2 $$ subject to: $$ Xw = y $$ thus it is plausible since its a constrained optimization problem that the solution gener …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does one recover the true solution to underdetermined equations when one has some prior ...

I was interested in recovering the solution $x$ to a linear system underdetermined $N < D$: $$ Ax = y$$ as accurately as possible to the true $x$. Obviously, this system has infinite number of solut …
Charlie Parker's user avatar

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