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Repeated measures data occur when more than one measurement is collected on the same unit (e.g. subject). Use this tag for RM-ANOVA together with [anova] tag.

1 vote

How to analyse reading data with two word types and three types of dependent variables?

If you have both recall and recognition data from a word list, you may be able to use a multinomial processing tree model, specifically the Chechile-Meyer model. But this depends on your exact design. …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
3 votes

Can within- and between-subjects data ever differ systematically?

I think you already mentioned one of the most important points, knowledge about the different conditions. If my response in one condition totally influences the response to another condition which can …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
7 votes

Multiple measurements per trial in R

Time to shine for afex (full disclosure: I am the author). There are two options on what to do: As you said, use standard repeated measures ANOVA and aggregate over the measurements. afex offers a …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
6 votes

Absolute minimum number of data points required for estimating random slopes for continuous ...

For answering this question, I feel it is important to remind that regression-type models, such as mixed models, really do not treat categorical covariates and continuous covariates any different on t …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
2 votes

Repeated measures techniques for uneven trials per condition?

In a repeated-measures ANOVA you can only have one observation per cell of the design and unit of observation. Hence, you would need to aggregate the individual trials per unit of observation and with …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
3 votes

Paired permutation test for repeated measures

There is the possibility of using the coin package for this type of stuff. See its webpage and the accepted answer to this question. An implementation for this type of stuff would be the following. …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
2 votes

Is it appropriate to examine an interaction effect that is almost statistically significant?

To say something similar to the other answers in slightly different words. I would do the following: Report that the (hopefully expected) interaction is almost or marginal significant or that there i …
Henrik's user avatar
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1 vote

How to describe study design looking at effect of a training program on two age groups and ...

As already said by propofol, the question is what you mean by "condition"? If it is only another within-subjets factor (that is how I would read it) you could still use a mixed or split-plot ANOVA (in …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
1 vote

Analyse within-subject data as between-subject data

The analysis you want to pursue is not uncommon (unfortunately I don't have a reference right now), but you have to split it. You have to run 2 ANOVAs and hope that the analyses agree. The overall …
Henrik's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Reference for dummy variable regression for repeated measurements

I want to analyze some repeated measures data using a dummy variable for each measurement unit. This is one approach to deal with the fact that the data is not i.i.D. when repeated-measurements are pr …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
2 votes

Question with R and repeated measures

You could simply use my afex package (on CRAN) with function ez.glm. Alternatively you could use ezANOVA from the ez package (also on CRAN). Both functions are basically wrappers for car::Anova(). H …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
4 votes
1 answer

How to analyze this dataset with 2 between-, two within- factors using lme4?

This post is a follow up on my previous post (which was interested in lme) and uses the same dataset. Now I would like to know how to analyze it using lme4. The data The data is from a behavioral ex …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
1 vote

Repeated measures paired test

If you enter your title directly into goolge, you already obtain a hint on what else to do instead of a repeated-measures ANOVA (which is only the fourth hit): A repeated measures t test. It is ess …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
6 votes

Are these maximal linear mixed models (within-subject within-item factorial design) really m...

Models m2 and m3 can only be estimated if you have repetitions on the level of the participant-item combination. For m3 for the full factorial design. Otherwise this random effect is confounded with t …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k
18 votes

How to perform a 4 by 4 mixed ANOVA with between- and within-subjects contrasts using R?

A sketch of one solution (for another see below): Data needs to be in the long format (i.e., on value per row) instead of in the wide format as in SPSS (i.e., one subject per row), see the reshape p …
Henrik's user avatar
  • 14.4k

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