Reconciling Langevin MC methods as one-step HMC versus as diffusion or brownian motion
The easiest way to understand why Langevin dynamics targets the "correct distribution" is to look at the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation.
Let me be more precise. Let us assume that our target ...
Does Langevin MCMC with decreasing step size require Metropolis-Hastings?
You wrote a very weird expression for Langevin MCMC (which is a special case of Diffusion Markov Chain Monte Carlo). On the right hand side you only have gradients of the prior and the likelihood at ...
How to calculate the score of a new datapoint by a score based diffusion model(song & ermon, 2019)?
My interpretation of your question is how the calculation of the score function is related to diffusion models. A possible derivation therefore involves employing Tweedie's formula, defined as
Why convolving a function with a Gaussian kernel is the same as adding a Gaussian noise to the input?
What is true is the following: if $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$, then $\mathbb{E}[p(x+\epsilon)] = (p * \omega)(x)$, if $\omega$ is the density of $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. In fact, this ...
What is the exact role of model $p_\theta$ in Diffusion models for the reverse process?
I understand that indeed we don't have any prior knowledge of $q(x_{t−1})$ or $q(x_t)$ since this would mean already having the distribution we are trying to estimate. Is this correct?
Yes, I think ...
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