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4 votes

Can Q-learning or SARSA be used to find an stochastic policy?

Neither Q-learning nor SARSA define strictly how the policy should be derived from action-values, so you might be able to use them to learn some approximation to stochastic policies, if you used a ...
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SARSA when policy is not epsilon greedy

As long as you can sample action choice from a fixed policy, then a variant of SARSA that used that policy (as opposed to anything based on the current Q values) would evaluate that policy. You can ...
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Purpose of trace-decay parameter in eligibility traces

The discount factor $\gamma$ is applied to the scalar sum of future rewards. It changes how much a single measure of future reward will contribute to an update step. The trace decay $\lambda$ is ...
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Policy improvement in SARSA and Q learning

The current policy is derived in SARSA and Q learning from the current action values. It is always the $\epsilon$-greedy or greedy action choice according to $\text{argmax}_a Q(s,a)$. There is no need ...
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1 vote

Deduce the Bellman equation from the Value and Q functions

Those euquations are simply wrong. The value-functions under an policy $\pi$ are defined as the expected amount of the total (discounted) return following policy $\pi$ from state $s$ onwards. Since ...
Nick Halden's user avatar

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