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8 votes

Is a policy always deterministic in reinforcement learning?

There are multiple questions here: 1. Is a policy always deterministic? 2. If the policy is deterministic then shouldn't the value also be deterministic? 3. What is the expectation over in the value ...
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Proof that any $\epsilon$-greedy policy is an improvement over any $\epsilon$-soft policy

I also spent some trying to understand this transition. I came up with this. Hope it helps. $\pi$ is an $\epsilon-$soft policy. This implies that $\pi(a|s) \ge \frac{\epsilon}{|A(s)|}$ for all ...
M.Q's user avatar
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Policy improvement in SARSA and Q learning

The current policy is derived in SARSA and Q learning from the current action values. It is always the $\epsilon$-greedy or greedy action choice according to $\text{argmax}_a Q(s,a)$. There is no need ...
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Discrete and continuous actions in the same environment

How about discretizing the continuous output? For a binary decision: $$ Binary(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{lr} 0, & \text{for } x < 0.5\\ 1, & \text{for } x \geq 0.5\\ ...
Tom Dörr's user avatar
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Is a policy always deterministic in reinforcement learning?

The policy can be stochastic or deterministic. The expectation is over training examples given the conditions. The value function is an estimate of the return, which is why it's an expectation.
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