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4 votes

What is the relation between a surrogate function and an acquisition function?

I think of an acquisition function as describing the utility of the point to be evaluated next in the Bayesian optimization framework. To give more details, let's think about the general concept of ...
randomprime's user avatar
3 votes

Generating "surrogate data" to calculate error on estimators

As per my comment, what you described seems to be matching with the parametric bootstrap. Very quickly, the bootstrap method comes in two flavours: (a) parametric (b) nonparametric. Very informally, ...
utobi's user avatar
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1 vote

Can we use Shap to interpret output changes?

Partly, this is correct. "led" implies causation, which is most probably not the case. Better say "is associated with". Thanks to SHAP's additivity properties, you can indeed explain the difference ...
Michael M's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between a "surrogate metric" and a "proxy metric"?

In most contexts I can think of surrogate and proxy are mutually interchangeable. These terms are widely used in cases when the original phenomenon is difficult to measure, and thus refer to a (...
mapto's user avatar
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