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8 votes

Distribution of the sum of Wishart distributed random matrices

Depending on what you mean by closed-form, the answer is to some extent, yes. As per my comment, if $\Psi_1=\Psi_2$, then it can be shown that $A = A_1+A_2$ follows a Wishart distribution with scale ...
utobi's user avatar
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6 votes

Unsolvable Integral?

It is a well-known problem. A complete set of solutions can be found at If speed is of the essence then this is an acceptable solution, but ...
Dave Harris's user avatar
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6 votes

Is Inverse-Wishart a conjugate prior for Wishart likelihood?

This is actually quite a well-known result in Bayesian statistics (see e.g., Evans 1965, Chen 1979, Dickey, Lindley and Press 1985 and Leonard and Hsu 1992). In most of the literature on Bayesian ...
Ben's user avatar
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5 votes

Result for covariance between elements of the sample covariance matrix

If you're assuming Normality, you want to have a look at the Wishart distribution. If $\mathbf{X}_{n,p}$ ($n \ge p$) has rows that are iid multivariate normal with mean $0$ and variance $\Sigma$, ...
Taylor's user avatar
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5 votes

Integrate out (covariance) matrix in Normal-Wishart distribution

First, notice that, if you use some properties of the trace operator, \begin{align*} p(\mu, \Sigma) &\propto \lvert \Sigma\rvert^{-((\nu_0+d)/2+1)}\exp\Big(-\frac{1}{2}\text{tr}(\Lambda_0\Sigma^{-...
Taylor's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the Fisher's information matrix for the Wishart distribution?

$\newcommand{\D}{\textsf{D}}$ $\newcommand{\tr}{\text{tr}}$ $\newcommand{\vec}{\text{vec}}$ $\newcommand{\vech}{\text{vech}}$ I've derived it with the second order differential. The log-likelihood is $...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
5 votes

Derivation of Normal-Wishart posterior

The likelihood $\times$ prior is $$|\boldsymbol{\Lambda}|^{N/2} \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\sum_{i=1}^N \boldsymbol{x}_i^T \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \boldsymbol{x}_i - N\boldsymbol{\bar{x}}^T \boldsymbol{...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes

Eigenvectors of a Wishart matrix

Assume $\Sigma = I_p$. The eigenvectors of $X^TX$ are the right singular vectors of $X$, e.g., $v_1,...,v_r$ with $r=\min(n,p)$ if the SVD of $X$ is $X=\sum_{i=1}^r s_i u_i v_i^\top$. You wish to ...
jlewk's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the expectation of the Cholesky factor of a Wishart distributed random matrix?

In 1933 Bartlett described the Wishart distribution in terms of the distribution of the factors after Cholesky decomposition. I can not read the original source (On the theory of statistical ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
5 votes

Random variate of a singular Wishart distribution with non-integral degrees of freedom

The Wishart Distribution is defined on the manifold $\mathcal{M}(p)$ of all positive-definite symmetric (psd) $p\times p$ matrices. In the coordinate system $(x_{ij}, 1\le j \le i \le p)$ (which ...
whuber's user avatar
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4 votes

The multivariate normal distribution has the same relationship with the Wishart distribution as the multivariate t-distribution with the ...?

Sutradhar and Ali (1989) - A Generalization of the Wishart Distribution for the Elliptical Model and Its Moments for the Multivariate t Model They show: Let the p-dimensional random vectors $X_1, \...
stollenm's user avatar
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4 votes

Prior distribution importance in Bayesian inference

By Bayes theorem $$ \text{posterior} \propto \text{prior} \times \text{likelihood} $$ so posterior combines information that comes from your data (through likelihood) and information that comes from ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes

Semi-conjugate inverse Wishart posterior, can we obtain the marginal?

Simple answer No, you cannot. Since in your problem setting, $\Sigma | \vec{\mathbf{y}}$ and $\theta | \vec{\mathbf{y}}$ are by no means independent. Thus we cannot simply marginalize it. Your try ...
moreblue's user avatar
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4 votes

How to calculate the Jacobian of the transformation ( for covariance matrix)

The algebra of differential forms makes short work of this. I take it that $\Sigma = (\sigma_{ij})$ is coordinatized by means of one of its triangles, say the upper triangle with components $\sigma_{...
whuber's user avatar
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4 votes

$E[W\otimes W]$ for Wishart R.V. $W$

I believe that there is an error in Seber's formula and the correct form is $$ \mathbf{E}(WAW) = m[\Sigma A \Sigma + \mathrm{Tr}(A\Sigma) \Sigma] + m^2 \Sigma A \Sigma $$ (try this and the orgiginal ...
Damian Pavlyshyn's user avatar
3 votes

Integrating the inverse-Wishart density

In complete analogy to the (non-singular) Wishart distribution with $n$ degrees of freedom, for $n \in \mathbb N_{\geq p},$ the function $f$ can be interpreted as a joint probability density of the $p(...
statmerkur's user avatar
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3 votes

Intuitive explanation of Inverse Wishart prior for covariance estimation

I assume you are aware that Wishart matrices can be generated as the outer product $X^TX$ of a matrix where each row is an independent observation of a multivariate normal distribution, yes? So a ...
deasmhumnha's user avatar
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3 votes

Prior distribution importance in Bayesian inference

The posterior already incorporates the prior through Bayes rule; that's the whole point of it being a posterior. "Uninformative" has many different mathematical definitions (see their reference 12 ...
John K. Kruschke's user avatar
3 votes

What is the correct form of Metropolis Hasting step in scaled Inverse Wishart prior for covariance matrix?

I found this question when I was working on inverse-Wishart in this question. I wrote a piece of code in Python. To do MH, I think we only need to compare old/new likelihood and prior. ...
user2978524's user avatar
3 votes

Intuitive explanation for Marchenko-Pastur law

You are asking several different questions here. you are asking 1) what is the marchenko-pastur law when there is some correlation between the columns of the Wishart matrix, 2) how do we find $\lambda^...
Paul's user avatar
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3 votes

Kullback Leibler Divergence between two Normal Whishart Distributions

You are getting closed. To ease the derivation, let's redefine some notations: \begin{cases} p(\pmb{\mu}, \pmb{\Lambda}) = p(\pmb{\mu} \vert \pmb{\Lambda}) p(\pmb{\Lambda}) & = \mathcal{N}\left( \...
Cuong's user avatar
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3 votes

Bounds of integration for the Wishart density

Here is the requested theorem You would probably be interested in the proof, too. It runs over a few pages. Multiplying differentials is done in the skew-symmetric sense, not in the typical ...
Taylor's user avatar
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2 votes

Normal-inverse-Wishart distribution

One application is the Gibbs Sampling from a Dirichlet Process mixture model, where a conjugate prior is required. See page 33 of the pdf below
George's user avatar
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2 votes

Reconciling Wishart mean and Inverse-Wishart mean

Let's look at the simpler case of positive univariate random variables. I assume it's already clear that in general for a positive random variable whose variance is not $0$, that $\text{Cov}(X,1/X)<...
Glen_b's user avatar
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2 votes

Prior distribution importance in Bayesian inference

No, you cannot skip it. Uninformative priors contain information and for multivariate regression assure that the sum of the probabilities will be unity. In fact, you cannot use a uniform prior on a ...
Dave Harris's user avatar
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2 votes

Generating correlation matrices using Wishart distribution

Let $S$ be from Wishart$(\Sigma,r)$ and let $D$ be the diagonal matrix such that $D_{ii} = \sqrt{S_{ii}}$. Then $R=D^{-1}SD^{-1}$ will be a random correlation matrix. Actually one can easily check ...
Recuerdos de la Alhambra's user avatar
2 votes

use inverse Wishart for variance in MCMC

There is no "default" priors for anything. Wishart distribution is commonly used for variance because it is a conjugate prior for multivariate normal distribution, but that does not make it anyhow "...
Tim's user avatar
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2 votes

Is Wishart distance always positive?

Can any sensible distance measure be negative? No. Consider this. Can you have a distance that is closer than zero? If you do then what is the meaning of it? The beginning of the page 268 from your ...
Aksakal's user avatar
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2 votes

Unsolvable Integral?

The answer can be derived from the following result. If $\Sigma \sim {\cal IW}_\nu(V)$ (inverse-Wishart) and $(G \mid \Sigma) \sim {\cal N}(\theta, \lambda\Sigma)$, then $G \sim {\cal T}_{\nu-d+1}\...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
2 votes

Unsolvable Integral?

Yeah, it's a multivariate t density. Multiplying the three densities together and integrating (also using some properties of determinants) gives \begin{align*} &\iint \frac{|K|^{1/2}}{(2\pi)^{d/2}...
Taylor's user avatar
  • 21.6k

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