Calculate the mean and variance of a stochastic process?
The process is a series of random variables $(X_n).$ It is evident from your formulas and code that these random variables are the proportions of white balls in the urn when there are $n$ balls in the ...
Posterior simulation of residuals and ACF for GAMs
I replied in the other thread but will do so here as well for completeness. In Bayesian inference with MCMC, each posterior draw represents a plausible model configuration. So we can compute ...
Simulating machine maintenance occurrences using Weibull distributions
I don't see a problem with Approach 1, except that it doesn't allow for multiple events in the same day. I assume that multiple events in a single day have very low probability.
If you "generate ...
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simulation × 1962r × 551
monte-carlo × 224
distributions × 148
probability × 137
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bayesian × 111
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correlation × 79
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bootstrap × 68
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logistic × 57
random-variable × 51
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