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dimpol's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
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9 votes

What is the information storage capacity of a neural network?

5 votes

Are Neural Nets viable to extract Date patterns in a text

5 votes

How can one efficiently analyze results from a bibliographic search

5 votes

R `lm`, Could anyone give me an example of the misleading case on "prediction from a rank-deficient"?

4 votes

Why are neural networks easily fooled?

4 votes

Does the number of parameters of a CNN have an impact on the speed and time to train it?

3 votes

Condition number calculation in R

3 votes

Why does adding 1 to all values of this dataset change the result of Chi-square distribution test?

3 votes

Symbol for class ranges

3 votes

What causes the elbow shape of the loss curve?

2 votes

Various matrix as examples in neural network

2 votes

Document summarization with Log-likelihood ratio

1 vote

How to Implement a Neural Network for **Multidimensional** Input Classification?

1 vote

Summarize k-fold cross validation results

1 vote

How to quantify the separability of data?

1 vote

Is it possible to do clustering based on a not perfect similarity kernel?

1 vote

How can I constrain the maximum value of a Gaussian function to be 1 in R?

1 vote

What does joint independence mean when $A$ is independent of $(B,C)$

1 vote

Logistic regression as a special case of softmax regression

1 vote

Transform $z$-score to absolute value for visualization

1 vote

Backprop: Calc gradients for embed layers and how to do gradient check

1 vote

Problem training neural network for binary classification

1 vote

Proper way to do CV and Parameter search

1 vote

Does this alternative model require more data points for regression?

1 vote

Classification: one of the classes have a much wider range of predictor values then others.

0 votes

Reference book for logistic regression

0 votes

Metric for determining how different a given string is from elements in a larger body of text?

0 votes

Finding a Relationship between 2 Numerical Variables on a Scatterplot

0 votes

Pairwise distance as measure of variability

0 votes

Is there a standard way to compare the accuracy of two sets rankings?