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Andrew Cassidy's user avatar
Andrew Cassidy
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

How are the clustering algorithms using the concept of Latent Semantic Analysis?

2 votes

Problem using MLP function from package RSNNS in R

1 vote

Machine learning for multi-level response

1 vote

unbalanced samples random Forests

1 vote

Comparing interaction effects using different variables. Possible?

1 vote

Benchmark Data-sets for Concept Drift where important predictors (independent variables) change with time or stream of observations

1 vote

Cross-validation and feature selection of a multivariate regression

1 vote

Using standardized regression coefficients to measure relative contribution

1 vote

Selecting the number of sparse principal components to include in regression

1 vote

R as a backend processing engine

0 votes

Optimizing False Negative Rate after Logistic Regression

0 votes

Performing PCA with only a distance matrix

0 votes

Random Forest Regression Overfitting - Quantile Test on Test Data

0 votes

How can a t-test be statistically significant if the mean difference is almost 0?

0 votes

Trend Analysis of feature importance over time in R

0 votes

Project new data using independent components analysis

-1 votes

Predict function and categorical variables in R