Consider an urn from which we sample with replacement. Let $\pi$ represent the proportion of the urn's balls that are black, with the remainder being white.
From a frequentist perspective, each observation is treated as an independent and identically distributed (IID) variable. However, under a Bayesian perspective, do these observations still retain their independence? It seems each draw updates our estimate of $\pi$, potentially affecting the probability of the next draw being black.
Can someone clarify where I might be misunderstanding this?
Edit - a concrete example: Let's assume a very simple prior. There is a $q$ probability that the urn is completely black ($\pi=1$) and $1-q$ that it is completely white ($\pi=0$).
We draw the first ball, and it is black. Therefore, the second ball must be black as well: $p(X_2=black\mid X_1=black)=1$. This is in contrast to the marginal probability, $p(X_2=black)=p(X_1=black)=q$.
The same logic would apply to any prior (not necessarily dichotomous). If the parameter is viewed as a random variable, doesn't it automatically render the observations dependent?
Edit 2: Wikipedia's article on conditional independence put forward a very similar thought experiment (using a poll instead of an urn), and suggests that under the Bayesian perspective "the random variables $X_1$, ..., $X_n$ are not independent, but they are conditionally independent given the value of $p$" ($p$ is the probability of answering "yes" in the poll).
If we treat an unknown parameter as a random variable, are observations that depend on the parameter conditionally independent instead of simply independent?