We've created a survey asking students, among other things, their GPA (=weighted average of grades) and their marks in some specific courses (which count towards GPA).
We wanted to see which regressors influence the GPA using a simple OLS model. Is it sensible to use a formula like this?
GPA ~ grade_maths + grade_statistics + grade_privatelaw + ... + {other regressors, like study habits or origin}
Of course, the grade regressors turn out to be highly significant (some more than others, and not directly related to the weight they have in GPA), while few of the other ones are...
Is this a case of endogeneity, i.e. does a regression like this violate strict exogeneity?
With this regression we want to get an quick overview of which variables will likely be useful in the regressions that follow, which for example try to find out whether being good in quantitative courses tends to help get good grades in law and other ideas like this...