I have been reading the odds tutorial on UCLA's stats page. And I am trying to figure out if my interpretation of the results below is correct. Based upon looking at the data the results seem to hold true.
Variables to Predict Submit or Cancel (1,0)
DummyServiceA: Binary
DummyServiceB: Binary
DummyServiceC: Binary
AT_START: Continous
ID_SEQ: Continous
TOT: Continous
Logistic Regression Results
exp(cbind(OR = coef(mymodel), confint(mymodel)))
OR 2.5 97.5
DummyServiceA 0.3994 0.3215 0.4982
DummyServiceB 6.5028 5.1442 8.2549
DummyServiceC 0.2928 0.239 0.3604
AT_START 0.9986 0.9984 0.9987
ID_SEQ 0.949 0.94 0.9579
TOT 0.9992 0.9984 0.9998
- Odds of Submit are 60% lower if
is selected instead ofServiceB
- Odds of Submit are 550% higher if
is selected instead ofServiceA
- Odds of Submit are 71% lower if
is selected instead ofServiceA
- For every unit increase in
there is 0% change in odds for Submit - 5% decrease in odds of Submit for every unit increase in
- For every unit increase in
there is 0% change in odds for Submit
is the dummy coding described by @Maarten; unless you remove the intercept term (by putting-1
in the formula), in which case sum-to-zero coding is used. It's very important to be clear about this before you use the model. $\endgroup$