We have a random variable $X$ that belongs to the exponential family with p.d.f.
$$ P_X(x|\boldsymbol \theta) = h(x) \exp\left(\eta({\boldsymbol \theta}) . T(x) - A({\boldsymbol \theta}) \right) $$
where ${\boldsymbol \theta} = \left(\theta_1, \theta_2, \cdots, \theta_s \right )^T$ is the parameter vector and $\mathbf{T}(x)= \left(T_1(x), T_2(x), \cdots,T_s(x) \right)^T$ is the joint sufficient statistic and $A({\boldsymbol \theta}) = \log \int_x h(x)\exp( \eta(\boldsymbol \theta).T(x))dx$
(The notation is following the Wikipedia page on the exponential family of distributions)
Let the data be given labels such that the joint distribution is now associated with $(x, y) \in \mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{Y}$.
EDIT The sufficient statistics for this joint distribution is given by $\mathbf{T}(x, y)$
I am unable to derive the following expression for the exponential form of the conditional distribution of labels given data (ignoring the reference measure $h(x)$)
$$ P(y | x; \theta) = \exp\left(\eta({\boldsymbol \theta}) . T(x,y) - A({\boldsymbol \theta | x}) \right) $$
with $A({\boldsymbol \theta|x}) = \log \int_{\mathcal{Y}} \exp( \eta(\boldsymbol\theta).T(x,y))dy$
This expression is used in a paper on missing variables that I am trying to implement. I have tried writing out the conditional in terms of the joint probability but did not get any clean decomposition of terms.
Is there any standard proof or text that derives the expression for conditional probability of an exponential family distribution? Any hints or references would be great. Thanks.