I have data that can be fit, more or less, by logistic growth functions. Hence I used this tutorial to do this.
Now I want to get an x value for a specific y value from the model. Maybe this is too trivial, but I could not find anything on the forums...or perhaps I was looking in the wrong way. For the below example, I would want to get the age at which Menarche is 0.5. In Excel I'd get the formula of the fit, solve it for x and put in y=0.5 ... but in R with logistic fit?
plot(Menarche/Total ~ Age, data=menarche)
glm.out = glm(cbind(Menarche, Total-Menarche)~Age, family=binomial(logit), data=menarche)
plot(Menarche/Total ~ Age, data=menarche)
lines(menarche$Age, glm.out$fitted, type="l", col="red")
title(main="Menarche Data with Fitted Logistic Regression Line")