This seems like a straight-forward problem, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
I have a binary outcome (Presence/Absence of a condition for a patient), and an intervention (educational training for the physician).
For each of the four papers included, I have the number of patients studied at baseline and follow-up, and the percentage that experienced the event, before and after the intervention was administered. Exact data below:
Paper intervention n.base rate.base n.follow rate.follow
1 Paper1 control 72 0.514 72 0.639
2 Paper1 int 74 0.527 74 0.554
3 Paper2 control 176 0.324 159 0.252
4 Paper2 int 183 0.355 174 0.092
5 Paper3 control 192 0.443 192 0.318
6 Paper3 int 190 0.432 189 0.037
7 Paper4 control 173 0.624 173 0.613
8 Paper4 int 211 0.668 211 0.436
What is the best way to study this data? I thought about looking at the change in rates pre vs post, and then those differences, but I can't figure out what the SD would be in that case, or the appropriate sample size. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.