I've got data points from a simulation as coordinates in a text-files like so:
23 0.000022842
24 0.000022842
25 0.000091368
26 0.000251262
27 0.000182736
28 0.000411156
29 0.000890838
30 0.00143905
31 0.00246694
32 0.00317504
33 0.0042943
34 0.00719523
35 0.00922817
36 0.0134083
37 0.0150072
38 0.019233
39 0.0228877
40 0.0281642
41 0.0320702
42 0.0350168
43 0.038306
44 0.0418694
45 0.0433541
46 0.0468946
47 0.0458896
48 0.0487905
49 0.0500925
50 0.045113
51 0.0458667
52 0.0423034
53 0.0418009
54 0.0369355
55 0.0349254
56 0.0311565
57 0.0294205
58 0.026314
59 0.0237557
60 0.0213344
61 0.017931
62 0.0151899
63 0.0135453
64 0.0115352
65 0.00918248
66 0.00778912
67 0.00669271
68 0.00532219
69 0.00479682
70 0.00395167
71 0.00322072
72 0.00262683
73 0.00187304
74 0.00121063
75 0.0011421
76 0.00111926
77 0.000708102
78 0.000708102
79 0.000479682
80 0.000319788
81 0.000205578
82 0.000251262
83 0.000137052
84 0.000091368
85 0.000091368
86 0.00011421
87 0.000045684
88 0.000045684
92 0.000045684
94 0.000045684
with 1st column being my x-data and 2nd column being probability values, accordingly.
The probability density function of this data first looked like a binomial distribution to me so I plotted an approximated binomial pdf that in the end didn't really match the simulated data.
The plot has got a relatively slight right heavy tail, so I'm wondering which distribution description would return the best regression curve in python.
I've already tried a polynomial fit but then there's the problem with the oscillating edges - Note: I will use the regression function in order to sum up values from k to infinity, so what I actually need is a smooth fit for the edges and a tool that returns the function I need.
I'd appreciate approaches with python and bash!