I'm mainly confused because of some of the wording in this CV post. Multinomial Naive Bayes.
Mainly, this line:
In summary, Naive Bayes classifier is a general term which refers to conditional independence of each of the features in the model, while Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier is a specific instance of a Naive Bayes classifier which uses a multinomial distribution for each of the features." by jlund3.
Why is each feature $x_i$ a multinomial distribution, and not the product $\prod{P(x_i|c)}$ a multinomial distribution?
$$P(c|X) \propto \prod{P(x_i|c)} * P(c)$$
If the product of probabilities is distributed as a multinomial, that makes sense to me since
$$\prod{P(x_i|c)} \propto \prod{{p_i}^{x_i}} $$
I don't really understand how each feature itself could be distributed as a multinomial, however. Wouldn't each $x_i$ end up being a multinomial with two labels ($x_i$ == count of x_i. $x_{not i}$ == count of every other word)
Any help would be much appreciated!