I'm doing a problem from a textbook where the data (found here) are students and the features include sex, family size, health, age, etc. The problem asks to make a naive Bayes classifier from scratch in order to predict whether or not a student's final grade will be above or below a threshold, and it says to use a multinomial likelihood for features that take on a range of values (e.g. age).
To my understanding, a multinomial distribution is used when each of the features are of the same type and a feature's value represents a count. That is, a feature vector is a histogram. But this data doesn't look like a histogram at all, and so I can't wrap my head around using a multinomial likelihood.
Wouldn't it make more sense to compute $$P(x^{(i)}=v | c) = \frac{\text{# of times that }x^{(i)}=v \text{ when class is } c}{\text{total # of entries when class is } c}$$ ?