I think that the probability distribution of NLTK's NB is Bernoulli. In the source, the classifier does keep a word frequency count, but don't forget that you are feeding this classifier a feature set, which is data type tuple
, with two elements, dictionary
(features) and string
(label), when training. Since you are feeding it a dictionary, that means each word only appears once, so I don't see how the classifier can use the frequency of words in its calculations.
Check out this literature on Naive Bayes. You can use the previous button to navigate to the page where they talk about the multinomial NB model. Try recreating their example using NLTK and you will find that it classifies d5 as 'japan' instead of 'china' (which is the case in the Bernoulli variant) because NLTK omits the duplicate occurrences of 'chinese' which increases P(class = 'japan'|d5).
Here is my code for the example:
##Replicating example from Stanford literature to show that NLTK Naive Bayes is calculating its conditionals in a Bernoulli fashion
##The example can be found here: http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book /html/htmledition/naive-bayes-text-classification-1.html
##They calculate the conditional probability for each label given d5 using both the multinomial model and Bernoulli model.
##When you run this code, the classifier labels d5 as 'japan', which is the case when you calculate the conditional prob in the Bernoulli model.
import nltk
from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier
#Creating training and test data
d1 = ['chinese', 'beijing', 'chinese']
d2 = ['chinese', 'chinese', 'shanghai']
d3 = ['chinese', 'macao']
d4 = ['tokyo', 'japan', 'chinese']
d5 = ['chinese', 'chinese', 'chinese', 'tokyo', 'japan']
#Feature extractor
def word_feats(words):
return dict([(word, True) for word in words])
#Feature sets
d1_feats = [(word_feats(d1), 'china')]
d2_feats = [(word_feats(d2), 'china')]
d3_feats = [(word_feats(d3), 'china')]
d4_feats = [(word_feats(d4), 'japan')]
d5_feats = [(word_feats(d5), 'china')]
#Training and Test feature sets
train_feats = d1_feats + d2_feats + d3_feats + d4_feats
test_feats = d5_feats
cl = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_feats)
#Creating list of probability distributions to extract probabilities from
probDist = []
for i in range(0, len(test_feats)):
probdist = cl.prob_classify(test_feats[i][0])
#Creating list of the max probabilities for prediction
prob = []
for i in range(0, len(probDist)):
#Creating list of predicted labels for test data
pred_labels = []
for i in range(0, len(test_feats)):
#classifying d5_feats
cl.classify(word_feats(d5)) #returns 'japan' as predicted label