I have done fitted a DCC-GARCH model using the dccfit
function from the "rmgarch" package in R. The output is below:
Distribution : mvnorm
Model : DCC(1,1)
No. Parameters : 62
[VAR GARCH DCC UncQ] : [0+32+2+28]
No. Series : 8
No. Obs. : 240
Log-Likelihood : 4896.6
Av.Log-Likelihood : 20.4
Optimal Parameters
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[FTSE100].mu 0.005599 0.003457 1.6195e+00 0.105339
[FTSE100].omega 0.000100 0.000160 6.2312e-01 0.533205
[FTSE100].alpha1 0.176637 0.124341 1.4206e+00 0.155436
[FTSE100].beta1 0.807578 0.072324 1.1166e+01 0.000000
[MSUSAML].mu 0.007760 0.003077 2.5219e+00 0.011673
[MSUSAML].omega 0.000056 0.000053 1.0484e+00 0.294455
[MSUSAML].alpha1 0.092896 0.040348 2.3023e+00 0.021316
[MSUSAML].beta1 0.886704 0.028933 3.0647e+01 0.000000
[MSEXUK.].mu 0.009228 0.003421 2.6976e+00 0.006984
[MSEXUK.].omega 0.000114 0.000189 6.0293e-01 0.546552
[MSEXUK.].alpha1 0.070957 0.046983 1.5103e+00 0.130978
[MSEXUK.].beta1 0.889084 0.091959 9.6682e+00 0.000000
[DAXINDX].mu 0.010099 0.004489 2.2496e+00 0.024474
[DAXINDX].omega 0.001005 0.000794 1.2650e+00 0.205864
[DAXINDX].alpha1 0.191733 0.113491 1.6894e+00 0.091142
[DAXINDX].beta1 0.600585 0.225184 2.6671e+00 0.007651
[BMUK10Y].mu 0.001496 0.001295 1.1548e+00 0.248181
[BMUK10Y].omega 0.000000 0.000027 0.0000e+00 1.000000
[BMUK10Y].alpha1 0.025774 0.174068 1.4807e-01 0.882287
[BMUK10Y].beta1 0.969964 0.178467 5.4350e+00 0.000000
[BMUS10Y].mu 0.001069 0.001481 7.2147e-01 0.470623
[BMUS10Y].omega 0.000021 0.000014 1.4980e+00 0.134123
[BMUS10Y].alpha1 0.025983 0.024924 1.0425e+00 0.297181
[BMUS10Y].beta1 0.928892 0.037850 2.4542e+01 0.000000
[BMBD10Y].mu 0.000893 0.001088 8.2098e-01 0.411657
[BMBD10Y].omega 0.000000 0.000000 1.2974e-01 0.896774
[BMBD10Y].alpha1 0.000000 0.000089 7.8000e-05 0.999938
[BMBD10Y].beta1 0.999000 0.000075 1.3363e+04 0.000000
[LHUSTRY].mu 0.000170 0.000950 1.7931e-01 0.857694
[LHUSTRY].omega 0.000007 0.000000 2.2820e+01 0.000000
[LHUSTRY].alpha1 0.024463 0.001250 1.9571e+01 0.000000
[LHUSTRY].beta1 0.941022 0.005656 1.6638e+02 0.000000
[Joint]dcca1 0.017443 0.005703 3.0584e+00 0.002225
[Joint]dccb1 0.942324 0.012105 7.7843e+01 0.000000
Information Criteria
Akaike -40.288
Bayes -39.389
Shibata -40.388
Hannan-Quinn -39.926
Can someone tell me what is the meaning of Pr(>|t|)
? Is it the p value for the parameter? If it is, then I have lots of insignificant parameters which indicates a very bad model I have there. I have tried run examples from the rmgarch.tests
folder as well but the Pr(>|t|)
values for the example are also big (greater than 0.05). What can I do here?