I was thinking a bit about confusion matrices and it came to my mind the determinant of a confusion matrix could be an useful performance metric in classification.
Indeed, I got some results in Google about it, such as this book and this study using it.
The basic idea is the ratio of the determinant of the confusion matrix and the determinant of the perfect solution is $\in\{-1,1\}$.
Is it useful though? I mean, it's possible to achieve the ratio equal to $1$ with a perfect match between classes in solution and response, but the labels themselves don't have to match, like this example:
sol = iris$Species
res = iris$Species[c(101:150, 1:100)]
res.tab = table(sol, res)
# res
#sol setosa versicolor virginica
# setosa 0 0 50
# versicolor 50 0 0
# virginica 0 50 0
sol.tab = table(sol,sol)
det.res = det(as.matrix(as.data.frame.matrix(res.tab)))
det.sol = det(as.matrix(as.data.frame.matrix(sol.tab)))
#> det.res/det.sol
#[1] 1
Accuracy is exactly $0$ in this case, yet the determinant ratio is $1$. Of course, switching labels around would get us 100% accuracy, but I'm sure that's not good practice (unless your model learns when to do it, but them the resulting confusion matrix would not be the same).