I have been researching for my thesis/dissertation but I guess my knowledge about this is not so wide. I am just quite confused about my model, so if you think this question is easy to answer just doing more research, I would really appreciate some references, because I really did a research and I am still lost.
I made a survey experiment, 2x2 between subject design. I have two categorical/dummies independent variables and the dependent variable is a 7-point Likert Scale (it was a single question, so maybe a likert item). Now I am not sure if I have to perform a 2x2 ANOVA due to my experiment design, or there is another way. My hypotheses make reference first to main effects (with that two independent variables) and then I have to introduce other control variables and gender as a moderator.
So, can I use ANOVA with an ordinal variable if I violate the assumptions, or should I use Kruskal-Wallis H test, or directly an ordinal regression analysis? Sorry for the long post. I would really appreciate some guidance.