Yes, there is a connection, depending on the GP covariance function and the kernel of the smoother. It's discussed in chapter 2 (section 2.6) of Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. Note that even a simple covariance function, such as the squared exponential, results in complex equivalent kernels due to the spectral properties of the function.
Other things to note are:
- in the multivariate setting, the N-WKR boils down to univariate regression in each dimension (see this answer), whereas GPs can model the full multivariate covariance.
- there is no equivalent to the GP mean function
- the kernel in N-WKR needn't be a valid GP covariance function, and there may not be an equivalent covariance function for every kernel
- there is no obvious equivalent for e.g. periodic covariance functions as a kernel smoother
- in GPs you are free to combine covariance functions (e.g. through multiplication or addition), see e.g. the kernel cookbook