I am looking for a way to coherently display data of the following format:
Name - Height - Weight - Result (their athletic performance)
where Name can safely be considered a unique ID, and the 3 values are simplified by using previously assigned groups, i.e., they are always numbers between 0 and 3. The original values are not important, so a weight of 270lbs and a weight of 300lbs would both be assigned the highest (3) group for this value, etc.
Example data:
| Name | Height | Weight | Result |
| Arnold | 2 | 3 | 3 |
| Bruce | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Chad | 3 | 2 | 0 |
The visualization should allow me to easily discern how many entries of the data set are in each group, but I don't want to create three different graphs for each category, because the overall score also matters.
In the example, Arnold would be the "best" athlete while Chad comes second, although he surpasses Arnold in height. Is there a good way to map those relationships so that one can easily spot the "winners" for each category as well as in total?
My first impulse was to simply create a 3d scatter plot using the categories as "dimensions", but that makes it impossible to compare the individual entries or to recognize which groups have the most entries. After that, I considered some sort of Venn diagram, but that doesn't work for variables that have more than 2 states (groups for 0 or 1 exist, but I can't include 2 or 3 in such a diagram).
My knowledge on data visualization is pretty limited. I am hoping somebody has a better idea :)