Consider these two grayscale images:
The first image shows a meandering river pattern. The second image shows random noise.
I am looking for a statistical measure that I can use to determine if it is likely that an image shows a river pattern.
The river image has two areas: river = high value and everywhere else = low value.
The result is that the histogram is bimodal:
Therefore an image with a river pattern should have a high variance.
However so does the random image above:
River_var = 0.0269, Random_var = 0.0310
On the other hand the random image has low spatial continuity, whereas the river image has high spatial continuity, which is clearly shown in the experimental variogram:
In the same way that the variance "summarizes" the histogram in one number, I am looking for a measure of spatial contiuity that "summarizes" the experimental variogram.
I want this measure to "punish" high semivariance at small lags harder than at large lags, so I have come up with:
$\ svar = \sum_{h=1}^n \gamma(h)/h^2 $
If I only add up from lag = 1 to 15 I get:
River_svar = 0.0228, Random_svar = 0.0488
I think that a river image should have high variance, but low spatial variance so I introduce a variance ratio:
$\ ratio = var/svar $
The result is:
River_ratio = 1.1816, Random_ratio = 0.6337
My idea is to use this ratio as a decision criteria for if an image is a river image or not; high ratio (e.g. > 1) = river.
Any ideas on how I can improve things?
Thanks in advance for any answers!
EDIT: Following the advice of whuber and Gschneider here are the Morans I of the two images calculated with a 15x15 inverse distance weight matrix using Felix Hebeler's Matlab function:
I need to summarize the results into one number for each image. According to wikipedia: "Values range from −1 (indicating perfect dispersion) to +1 (perfect correlation). A zero value indicates a random spatial pattern." If I sum up the square of the Morans I for all pixels I get:
River_sumSqM = 654.9283, Random_sumSqM = 50.0785
There is a huge difference here so Morans I seem to be a very good measure of spatial continuity :-).
And here is a histogram of this value for 20 000 permutations of the river image:
Clearly the River_sumSqM value (654.9283) is unlikely and the River image is therefore not spatially random.