The purpose of this answer is to elaborate on some special issues concerning GPS measurement, because they may present pitfalls for the unwary.
GPS readings vary over time: if you stay in one place, a phone reading (which is among the least accurate of GPS receivers) may change by several tens of meters (or more), depending on satellite availability, echoes from landscape clutter, and so on.
GPS accuracy varies with location, for many of the same reasons.
These two sources of variation tend to increase measured trip distances.
Estimates of lengths of trips tend to have a low bias for geometric reasons: the GPS records points periodically, thereby approximating a curvilinear route as a complicated "polyline." The polyline tends to cut corners, leading to an underestimate of total trip length.
Therefore (a) we can expect some bias but (b) it may be difficult to predict. To illustrate this, I simulated a circular trip of 4 km, sampled to produce 100 segments (that would correspond to a point collection interval of around 15 seconds, but the actual number doesn't matter much). The simulation applied some quasi-realistic spatio-temporally correlated drift in the GPS readings with a root mean square error of about 45 m.
Here is a map of one simulated trip, showing the circular route in blue along with the GPS reading points:
Here is a histogram of errors (differences between total GPS distance and 4 km) from 100 such simulations:
It is evident the error (in this case) is usually positive--the GPS measurement tends to overestimate this trip length--and averages around 100 meters. It is small, but comparable to the day-to-day variation in the trip readings.
This quasi-realistic analysis suggests it would be wise to
Calibrate the trip with an accurate distance measurement and
Record consistent point-to-point readings for each trip (even when running a little further to compensate for low readings).
With such data--it would likely require very little, maybe a couple of weeks' worth--you can begin answering questions about the accuracy and precision of the GPS measurement of trip length. Those questions are readily addressed by estimating means and confidence intervals for the means.
In the meantime, it seems it would be overkill to fret over variations of the order of 100 m or less, because it looks like these would reflect the precision of the measurement process rather than variations in the length of the trip.
Note that the accuracy and precision for a different route may change slightly, depending on the tortuosity of the route and even its location and time of day it tends to be run.
Here is the simulation (in R), for those who would like to modify it to conform to the characteristics of their routes and GPS units.
# Create a circular route of unit radius (to be rescaled later).
n <- 100
theta <- seq(0:n) / n * 2 * pi
x0 <- cos(theta)
y0 <- sin(theta)
# Compute some correlated perturbations to be added to the route.
cos.perturb = outer(theta, 1:10, FUN=function(t,k) cos(t*k))
sin.perturb = outer(theta, 1:10, FUN=function(t,k) cos(t*k))
# Simulate one trip, scaled by a given radius.
error <- function(radius=1) {
x <- x0 + cos.perturb %*% rnorm(10, sd=.01) + sin.perturb %*% rnorm(10, sd=.01)
y <- y0 + cos.perturb %*% rnorm(10, sd=.01) + sin.perturb %*% rnorm(10, sd=.01)
dx <- diff(x)
dy <- diff(y)
distance <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
# Return the trip error and the rmse deviation between GPS and true locations.
radius * c((sum(distance) - 2 * pi), sqrt(mean((x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2)))
# Run a short simulation for a 4 Km route.
data <- replicate(10^3, error(4 / (2*pi)))
# Display the histogram of trip errors.
hist(data[1,], xlab="Error, m", main="Histogram of simulated 4 Km trip error")