From my understanding to the log likelihood test in survival analysis that this test calculated twice, first time its calculated for null model (no covariants) and second time its calculated to model with covariants. Then, as much we get small difference between these two values we can say that this model fit to our data well.
Applying this practically
Now let say I have two Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) AFT1
and AFT2
that fitted on the same data and same covariants but with different distributions.
In R
with survival
package one can do the following:
Srv <- Surv(start, end, event, type="interval")# recurrent data
AFT1 <- survreg(Sur~ X1+cluster(ID)+X2,X3, data=test, dist="w") # first AFT model with Weibull distribution
AFT1 <- survreg(Sur~ X1+cluster(ID)+X2,X3, data=test, dist="exponential") # 2nd model with exponential distribution
let us check the results from two above models.
First model
survreg(formula = Sur ~ X1 +cluster(ID)+X2,X3, data=test, dist="w")
(Intercept) X1 X2 X3
7.606778e+00 7.419714e-05 -3.154395e-03 3.155968e-05
Scale= 0.00198871
Loglik(model)= -29235.1 Loglik(intercept only)= -31109.4
Chisq= 3748.56 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 0
n=43416 (30 observations deleted due to missingness)
Second model
survreg(formula = Sur ~ X1 +cluster(ID)+X2,X3, data=test, dist="exponential")
(Intercept) X1 X2 X3
7.606512e+00 7.923720e-05 -3.297417e-03 2.840966e-05
Scale= 0.001035689
Loglik(model)= -29144.8 Loglik(intercept only)= -31248
Chisq= 4206.25 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 0
n=43416 (30 observations deleted due to missingness)
we can then check the difference in loglik
value for the two models; Loglik(model)
and Loglik(intercept only)
and we will get
Loglik for AFT1 = -31109.4 -(-29235.1 ) = −1874.3
Loglik for AFT2 = -31248 -(-29144.8 ) = −2103.2
Can we say that model AFT2 fit the our data better than AFT1 model?
Thanks in advance