If your n is tiny, your test could be so under-powered that it will fail to reject all but the most ridiculous null hypotheses.
edit: I see now that the standard deviations are 6 or 7 times as large as the difference of means. That makes for a quite small effect, Cohen's $d\approx 0.15$, if your sample is representative. If you construct a variable $Z$ that is different from $X-Y$, like the $X-4Y$ you had, this ratio will change accordingly. This still looks like a power problem. Here you see how low your power is with $n=45$:
Paired t test power calculation
n = 45
delta = 0.14
sd = 0.85
sig.level = 0.05
power = 0.1896772
alternative = two.sided
NOTE: n is number of *pairs*, sd is std.dev. of *differences* within pairs
Here's how many observations you would need for halfway decent power of $0.8$.
Paired t test power calculation
n = 291.2539
delta = 0.14
sd = 0.85
sig.level = 0.05
power = 0.8
alternative = two.sided
NOTE: n is number of *pairs*, sd is std.dev. of *differences* within pairs
This is based on the assumption that the difference of means and the standard deviations (I didn't have the sd of $Z$, so I approximated it by the mean of the sds of $X$ and $Y$) as measured in your sample of $n=45$ are representative of the population. If you don't want to make those assumptions, you can also reason in terms of Cohen's $d$ and what would constitute a large enough effect to care about, that you would want to be able to detect.