Is the multinomial distribution an example of a multimodal distribution? I was just curious about this. I know of continuous distributions that are multimodal, but didn't know if you could talk about PMFs in the same way.
1 Answer
Note that the multinomial distribution is a distribution of a random vector, with as many components as the length of the probability vector $p=(p_1, \dotsc,p_k)$. So you need a definition of unimodal/multimodal adapted to the multivariate case. Then it turns out that there is no unique definition of what unimodality (and hence multimodality) means in the multivariate case, see, so to answer your question you would have to choose definition ...
Still, all the marginals (which are binomial) are unimodal, and I would be surprised if the answer for the multinomial is different. But for an answer, I will have to read that complete paper, and now it is to late night! Coming back ...