There are two things going on here:
- the difference between t-tests and Z-tests (as pointed out by @vkehayas); t-tests account for the uncertainty in the estimate of the standard error, so should be preferred to Z-tests where available.
- the fact that
by default adjusts the residual standard error for ML estimates (while glht
doesn't); ML estimation in general gives a slightly downward-biased estimate of the standard error (by a factor $\sqrt{(n-p)/n}$), so this adjustment should be preferred where available. This is the adjustSigma
parameter of summary.lme
adjustSigma: an optional logical value. If ‘TRUE’ and the estimation
method used to obtain ‘object’ was maximum likelihood, the
residual standard error is multiplied by sqrt(nobs/(nobs -
npar)), converting it to a REML-like estimate. ... Default is ‘TRUE’.
Both of these adjustments should in general make little difference unless your sample is small, but both adjustSigma=TRUE
and t-tests rather than Z-test are technically more correct, so in a pinch you should probably accept the results of summary(.)
rather than those of glht()
If you have a factor with more than two levels (so that you need to summarize the joint significance of multiple parameters), you can use anova()
, which uses F tests (the analog of t-tests) and includes an adjustSigma
option: if you want to do more complicated post hoc testing (e.g. Tukey pairwise comparisons), you will probably need to use glht()
and accept that your answers will be slightly anticonservative/optimistic.
Try to keep in mind that $p=0.0274$ and $p=0.0493$ (from your example) are not very different from each other; in practice people behave as if there's a magic line at $p=0.05$, but there isn't.
Here's an example:
m2 <- lme(Reaction~Days, random = ~Days|Subject,
data=sleepstudy, method="ML")
Results (fancy code with printCoefmat()
etc. is just to isolate the information we want from summary(m2)
## Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
## Days 10.4673 1.5106 161.0000 6.929 9.651e-11 ***
With adjustSigma=FALSE
, the standard error changes from 1.5106 to 1.5022:
## Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
## Days 10.4673 1.5022 161.0000 6.9678 7.811e-11 ***
A direct calculation of the p-value using the unadjusted sigma:
## [1] 7.811903e-11
If we instead use a Z-test:
## [1] 3.219354e-12
This agrees with the answer we get from glht
summary(glht(m2, linfct=c("Days=0")))
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## Days == 0 10.467 1.502 6.968 3.22e-12 ***
In your case most of the difference is from the t- vs Z-test distinction; 2*pt(2.206,df=15,lower.tail=FALSE)
(i.e. using the unadjusted standard error with a t test) gives $p=0.043$, most of the way from $p=0.027$ (summary(.)
result) to $p=0.049$ (glht(.)