If you expand the notation using the definition, we have:
$p(x | y, z) = \frac{p(x, y, z)}{p(y, z)} = \frac{p(X = x,\, Y = y, Z = z)}{p(Y = y,\, Z = z)}$, where I have made things a little more explicit in the last equality.
For simplicity of explanation, let's assume that each of the random variables is discrete. Then you can see that, as you intuitively thought, we are conditioning on the space of events where $Y = y$ and $Z = z$. You could also draw a Venn diagram of the situation, replacing the singleton sets $y$ and $z$ with some arbitrary events, and you could compare this to the case of a conditional distribution of the form $p(x | y)$, and you would see a visual confirmation of your intuition in the similarity of the diagrams.