Background. Suppose I have a random (and un-sorted) sample of size $N = 100,000.$
Because you say the population from which they were sampled may be skewed,
let's suppose the population is exponential with mean $\mu = 100$ (rate $\lambda = 0.01).$ Theoretically, the 90th percentile of the population is 230.26.
qexp(.90, 0.01)
[1] 230.2585
Let's generate an exponential sample of size $N$ to these specifications (rounded to integers). What is the 90th percentile of that large sample? For my large sample, this turns out to be 230. So we know the large sample gives a good indication of the 90th percentile of the population. [Of course, this is the step we're pretending is
not possible, but in this discussion it's nice to know estimating the 90th percentile of the large sample isn't futile.]
set.seed(1008); N = 10^5; lam = 0.01
x = round(rexp(N, lam)); summary(x); quantile(x, .90)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.00 29.00 69.00 99.82 139.00 1479.00
Your question. Now suppose you can take a random sample of size $n = 100$ from the larger
sample of 100,000 and find its 90th percentile. How close are we likely to get to 230?
The first time I tried, I happened to get 229. But that was a lucky draw. Six successive
samples of size $n = 100$ had 90th percentiles as low as 173 and as high as 278.
x.100 = sample(x, 100); quantile(x.100, .90)
Comments on feasibility. As you hinted in your question, this kind of procedure doesn't work really well
for strongly right-skewed distributions. (There may be large gaps between observed values in the tail.)
Because you are assuming limited computing power, I suppose you wouldn't be
able to do this next step, but by taking a large number of samples of size 100
we could get an idea of the sampling distribution of their 90th percentiles.
pctl.90 = replicate(10000, quantile(sample(x,100),.9))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
126.1 207.0 224.6 227.0 244.9 367.4
My initial half dozen runs gave a fairly good idea how successful estimating
the 90th percentile of 100,000 observation by looking at a subsample of 100 is likely to be.
Note: There is a limit theorem that quantiles (except max and min) of large samples from continuous data, in regions where the density function is positive, tend to be
normally distributed. So the histogram of pctl.90
, although not exactly normal with $n = 100,$
suggests convergence to normal. (One reference: Bain & Englehardt (1992), Sect. 7.5.)