So I would like to derive the score function for my GLM, which in this case happens to be logistic regression. My approach is to write the pdf as an exponential family, I get it from these slides.
I can write the pdf as, where $\theta=\log{\frac{p}{1-p}}$, $b(\theta)=-n\log{(1-p)}$, $a(\phi)=1$ and $c(y,\phi)=\log{\binom{n}{p}}$.
As far as I can see I should get, when I differentiate it with regards to $\theta$:
But I cannot really get that result, I instead get $b'(\theta)=\frac{n}{1-p}$, so is my expectations wrong or am I differentiating something wrong? And what would the score function of a logistic regression look like?
So from these notes. I get that the score function of a GLM with the following link function $g(\mu)=\log{\frac{\mu}{1-\mu}}$, for the $i$th observation will be:
$$ \frac{y_i-\mu_i}{a(\phi_i)}\frac{1}{b^{\prime\prime}(\theta_i)}\frac{x_i}{g'(\mu_i)} $$
And since $$g'(\mu)=\frac{\mu-1}{\mu(1-\mu)}$$
And $$b^{\prime\prime}(\theta)=\frac{ne^{\eta}}{(e^{\eta}+1)^2}$$
Then I would get that the the score function for a logistic regregssion GLM is:
So are my inferences correct? And can this statement be made prettier?
As $g'(\mu)=1$ and $b^{\prime\prime}(\theta)=1$ (since $b'(\theta)=\frac{mu^2}{2}$ and $\theta=\mu$) for a GLM where the link function is just $g(\mu)=\mu$, so this formula also holds for getting the score function of a LM right?