For my work I made an assessment in which users have to stack blocks in a certain configuration in as few steps as possible. If the user does this in the minimally required number of steps, they get the perfect score of 0. With every extra step they need, their score increases by 1.
To measure the skill of the participants, we use an IRT (item response theory) model. Since the test isn't dichotomous, scores are discrete, scores on every item can range from 0 to $\infty$, and scores seem roughly normally distributed, we adapted the IRT model to use a poisson distribution.
That is, we use the normal MaxLogLikelihood estimation, but instead of using the 2-parameter IRT fomula(1) $$ P(X|a,b,\theta) = {e^{a(\theta - b)} \over 1+ e^{a(\theta - b)}} $$
we calculate P according to the regular poisson formula (2) $$ P(X=n) = {\lambda^n e^{-\lambda} \over n!} $$
where $\lambda$ is ... well, that's the question. Based on a textbook I have been using (3) $$ \lambda = e^{(b - a\theta)} $$
My questions are about the relationship between $b$, $\lambda$ and $\theta$:
- does the formula at (3) make sense, or should it be something else?
- in the 2plm IRT model (1) the roles of the parameters are very clear to me: $\theta$ is assumed/defined to be N(0,1) so ranges roughly from -3 to 3. $b$ is defined such that if $b = \theta$, the chance of getting a correct answer is exactly 50%. And $a$ defines the slope. Makes perfect sense. In the poisson model however, I lack these definitions. If $b$ still represents the difficulty of an item, and suppose $b = \theta$, what $\lambda$ should I expect? What does $a$ represent? I'm finding it hard to wrap my head around the conceptual meaning.
In short: keeping $\theta$ defined as N(0,1), what would be the best/most sensible way to define the other parameters of a poisson-based IRT model?
p.s. first post here, feel free to give other feedback.