I'm calculating a KDE of one parameter (y
, particle density) in bins of another parameter (x
, distance from the origin). At small x
I have poorly sampled data (10s to 1000s of points per x-bin) while at large x
values it is very well sampled (millions of points per x-bin). At small radii, using a KDE seems very important/effective, while at large radii the result is effectively identical to a histogram, but it extremely slow to compute (at least using scipy
in python
) *[1]. Ultimately I don't need the KDE per se, I just need the smoothed/sampled PDF it produces (i.e. on a regular grid).
It seems like a hybrid approach would be possible in which the KDE is used when the sampling is sparse, but I revert to simple binning when it is very well sampled. Is there a standard procedure for hybridizing these approaches? Or are there techniques for adaptively choosing the bandwidth such that I can use a kernel with finite support that shrinks as the sampling becomes more dense?
*[1] Ultimately, I assume this is because I'm using Gaussian kernels with infinite support, and thus N*M evaluations (for N particles in the given KDE, which is resampled onto a grid of M points).