I'm taking a research class for Social Work and this is not my strong suit, so please be kind. :) The system that I have to do my statistical testing includes only the following tests: (ANOVA, Chi Square, Pearson's correlation, Spearman's correlation, Kruskal-Wallis H, Mann-Whitney U, Indpendent t-test, Paired t-test, Wilcoxxon Signed Ranks)
My problem is that I am working with a VERY small sample (currently only 9). I am trying to determine if there is a correlation between 2 ordinal variables. When I enter my data the scatterplot shows that it is non-monotonic. I believe this is due to 2 of my respondents' data being serious outliers. I'm hoping once I get my full results that the outliers will have less of an effect. However, I have to submit a preliminary analysis with the data I currently have. Can I use Spearman, or would one of the other tests be more appropriate?
Thank you so much!!