For example, the 99 percentile value of list A
is p99_a
, the 99 percentile value of list B
is p99_b
, list C
is the full set of A
and B
, should the 99 percentile value of list C be the 99 percentile value of p99_a
and p99_b
or the average value of p99_a
and p99_b
I always thought it should be the former one, however, I tried it on codes:
import numpy as np
import random
data = []
p99list = []
for i in range(10000):
one_data = [random.randrange(10000) for x in range(1000)]
data += one_data
p99list.append(np.percentile(one_data, 99))
print('p99 of all data: \t' + str(np.percentile(data, 99)))
print('average of p99: \t' + str(np.average(p99list)))
print('p99 of p99 : \t' + str(np.percentile(p99list, 99)))
The results were:
p99 of all data: 9899.0
average of p99: 9889.646635999998
p99 of p99 : 9952.01
It showed that average of p99
was closer to the p99 of all data
than p99 of p99
On the Contrary, if I changed the sixth line of code to as follows (on the purpose of simulating the response time of HTTP requests from one server):
one_data = [random.uniform(0.2, 0.4) for x in range(1000), random.uniform(1.0, 1.2) for y in range(5)]
I ran the code again, and the results were:
p99 of all data: 0.39801099789433964
average of p99: 0.37998116766051837
p99 of p99 : 0.39904330107367425
It turned out that p99 of p99
was closer to the p99 of all data
than average of p99
So which one is more accurate?