I have been taught that the optimal coefficients (in the MMSE sense) may be obtained by looking where the gradient of the associated loss is zero :
With $ L(D,\beta) = ||X\beta-Y||^2 $ :
$$ \frac{\partial L(D,\beta)}{\partial \beta} = 0 <=> \hat\beta = (X^TX)^{-1} X^Ty $$
I applied this formula religiously since then. However I am now trying to interpret it in terms of $(X^TX)^{-1}$ and $X^Ty$. They appear respectively linked to the invert of the correlation matrix of the $X_i$ and a vector showing the correlation of the $X_i$ with $y$ (modulo centering and normalisation).
How would you explain simply that applying the invert of the correlation matrice of the variables, to the vector of correlation between the variable and the output will - modulo centering and normalisation - minimise the mean squared loss and yield appropriate coefficients for linear regression ?