Using python package statsmodel and the code in this link:
If a linear mixed model has a random variable with x groups. then why when one would run this code:
data = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('dietox', 'geepack').data
md = smf.mixedlm("Weight ~ Time", data, groups=data["Pig"])
mdf =
Does it only produce one value for the intercept parameter?
Mixed Linear Model Regression Results
Model: MixedLM Dependent Variable: Weight
No. Observations: 861 Method: REML
No. Groups: 72 Scale: 11.3669
Min. group size: 11 Log-Likelihood: -2404.7753
Max. group size: 12 Converged: Yes
Mean group size: 12.0
Coef. Std.Err. z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 15.724 0.788 19.952 0.000 14.179 17.268
Time 6.943 0.033 207.939 0.000 6.877 7.008
Group Var 40.394 2.149
The table says that there are 72 different groups (in this case pigs). Yet the table only shows one intercept value, i.e.: 15.724
How do I interpret the table in relationship to what is happening "under the hood"? or in other words: How does that one value relate to the other 72 intercepts?