I need your help to figure out something about the estimation of simple binary logit model in R.
As nicely explained on the following website (https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/dae/logit-regression/) the GLM command can be used for the estimation of such model (when specifying the binomial(link='logit') link function). I did manage to find same results as those from the example, but then I tried to code my own log-likelihood function and to optimize it with both "optim" and "maxLik" optimization packages, but I could not find same results! This should not be the case (and the results also differ across these two optimization packages!). Am I missing something obvious here?
1. R code for the "reference" model (from the example)
data = NULL
data = read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv")
data$rank2 = ifelse(data$rank==2,1,0)
data$rank3 = ifelse(data$rank==3,1,0)
data$rank4 = ifelse(data$rank==4,1,0)
data$cst = 1
logit = glm(admit ~ -1 + cst + gre + gpa + rank2 + rank3 + rank4,
data=data, family=binomial(link='logit'))
2. R code for the log-likelihood (LL) function
BL_LL = function(param, Data, X, Y){
num = as.matrix(Data[,X]) %*% as.vector(param[1:length(X)])
prb = exp(num) / (1+exp(num))
llik = Data[,Y]*log(prb) + (1-Data[,Y])*log(1-prb)
3. R code for the estimation of the binary logit model with the user-specified LL function
3.1. Model specification and data declaration
D = data
X = c('cst','gre','gpa','rank2','rank3','rank4')
Y ='admit'
sv = matrix(0, ncol=length(X))
3.2. Model estimation with "maxLik" and 2 different optimization routines
m1 = sapply(lx = c('NM','BFGS'), function(x){
k = NULL
k = maxLik(BL_LL, start=sv, Data=D, X=X, Y=Y, method=x)
3.3. Model estimation with "optim" and 2 different optimization routines
m2 = sapply(c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), function(x){
k = NULL
k = optim(par=sv, fn=BL_LL, Data=D, X=X, Y=Y, method=x)
The two output tables (i.e., m1 and m2) measure the differences between the "reference" estimates (from the example) and those obtained with the user-specified LL function. In case of perfect matching, all the values should be close to 100%, but if you run the code you will notice some very large differences. I don't understand what might be causing this issue. My understanding is that the binary logit model has a closed-form solution and then both NM and BFGS algorithms should return same results disregarding the specification of the starting values. I don't think providing a user-specified gradient function would make a difference (I haven't tried though). Any thoughts? (Thanks in advance for your help!)