I have not found any examples of bootstrap hypothesis tests for the median of differences. Hence, I'd like to suggest my approach. Question: Do you a agree that the reproducible example below would be the correct way of testing the null hypothesis that the median of differences is 0 (against the alternative hypothesis that it is larger than 0)?
In addition, I am trying to relate this to the paper Two Guidelines for Bootstrap Hypothesis Testing. This paper is different to my approach here because instead of computing p-values, it finds critical t-values corresponding to certain significance levels. Nevertheless, it seems that my approach fulfills the first guideline: Resample from $\hat{\theta}^*-\hat{\theta}$ (because of my transformation of the differences d
to d - median(d
) before doing bootstrap samples). However, I don't understand how to incorporate the second guideline: Base the test on the bootstrap distribution of $(\hat{\theta}^*-\hat{\theta}) / \hat{\sigma}^*$. I'd be glad about any hints.
H0: median(d) = 0
H1: median(d) > 0,
where d = x1 - x2 and the values are assumed to be paired. For illustration, the data sample might look as follows, where for each id
, the corresponding values of x1
and x2
represent a pair.
id x1 x2 d
1 -0.58 -0.62 0.04
2 0.23 0.04 0.19
3 -0.79 -0.91 0.12
4 1.65 0.16 1.49
5 0.38 -0.65 1.03
Explanation of Approach
Transformation: To sample under the H0, I first transform the values of d
by subtracting their median. This ensures that among the transformed values d_H0 = d - median(d)
the H0: median(d) = 0
is true.
Bootstrap sampling: Then, I draw R
bootstrap samples: I sample from d_H0
with replacement and compute the median for each sample, obtaining R
medians of differences.
Computing p-value: The p-value is computed as percentage of cases where the R
medians are larger than median(d)
, the median of the differences in the 1 given data sample. There is a normalization constant added (hence +1
in the numerator and the denominator).
Reproducable Example (in R)
# -------------------------------------------------
# Function to get bootstrapped statistics t_star
# -------------------------------------------------
my_boot = function(d_H0, R){
N = length(d_H0)
t_star = numeric(R)
for (i in 1:R){
t_star[i] = median(sample(d_H0, size = N, replace = TRUE))
# -------------------------------------------------
# Generate sample
# -------------------------------------------------
x1 = rnorm(100) + 0.05
x2 = rnorm(100)
d = x1 - x2
t = median(d)
# -------------------------------------------------
# Adjust sample to fulfill H0: median(d) = 0
# -------------------------------------------------
d_H0 = d - t
# -------------------------------------------------
# Conduct bootstrap sampling
# -------------------------------------------------
R = 5000
t_star = my_boot(d_H0, R)
# -------------------------------------------------
# Compute p-value
# -------------------------------------------------
p = (sum(t_star > t) + 1) / (R + 1)
p # 0.03