I've been reading how univariate analysis in data with a lot of variables can be misleading due to "Simpson's paradox". I found the explanation of this phenomenon pretty fascinating but easy to understand. What I am having a hard time wrapping my head around is using "partial residual plots" to combat it. Wikipedia says that the plot should look like
$$\text{Residuals} + \beta_iX_i \text{ vs. } X_i.$$
I've also seen residual plots simply defined as
$$\text{Residuals } \text{ vs. } X_i.$$
In this case, I can see how this plot would show non-linear relationships. But for neither plot can I understand how it would help us see correlation any better than in normal univariate analysis (like Pearson's r).
What is an an intuitive explanation as to why this plot is better than looking at univariate correlation between independent and dependent variables?
Edit: To further add to my confusion I have now seen the title "Residual Plots" used for the following
- Residuals vs Predictions
- Residuals vs Variable
- Residuals + Variable*(associated coefficient) vs Variable
All of these are advertised as having the same purpose: identify linear or non-linear relationships between independent variables and dependent variables in higher dimension sample sets.