Can ordinary least squares estimation be considered an optimization technique? If so, how can I explain this?
From an AI perspective, supervised learning involves finding a hypothesis function $h_\vec{w}(\vec{x})$ that approximates the true nature between predictor variables and the predicted variable. Let some set of functions with the same model representation define the hypothesis space $\mathbb{H}$ (That is we hypothesise the true relationship to be a linear function of inputs or a quadratic function of inputs and so forth). The objective is to find the model $h\in\mathbb{H}$ that optimally maps inputs to outputs. This is done by application of some technique to finds optimal values for the adjustable parameters $\vec{w}$ that defines the function $h_w(\vec{x})$. In AI we call this parameter optimization. A parameter optimization technique/model inducer/learning algorithm would for example be the back propagation algorithm.
OLS is used to find/estimate for $\beta$ parameters that defines the linear regression line that optimally maps predictor variables to output variables. This would be parameter optimization in the scenario above.