I have a mixed design anova with 3 factors: drug (placebo vs. treatment), timing (pre, vs post-treatment), age group (young vs. elderly). The first two factors are within-subject and the third factor is between subject. I constructed the data frame and all the means look correct. There are total of 20 participants (10 young, 10 old). However the anova results are strange.
snippet of data
part timing drug age freq_disc
1 1 pre trt Y 5.231433
2 2 pre trt Y 1.817267
3 3 pre trt Y 2.501767
4 4 pre trt Y 2.044167
5 5 pre trt Y 1.914400
6 6 pre trt Y 2.409567
7 7 pre trt Y 2.100533
8 8 pre trt Y 3.671033
9 9 pre trt Y 2.753967
10 10 pre trt Y 1.226233
part timing drug age freq_disc
1 : 4 post:40 trt:40 O:40 Min. : 0.9082
2 : 4 pre :40 plc:40 Y:40 1st Qu.: 1.7650
3 : 4 Median : 2.4022
4 : 4 Mean : 3.8784
5 : 4 3rd Qu.: 4.0412
6 : 4 Max. :24.6799
anova command:
ez_an <- ezANOVA( data=anova_data, dv=freq_disc, wid=part, within=.(timing,drug), between=age )
Effect DFn DFd F p p<.05 ges
2 age 1 18 3.7628945 0.06823574 1.689433e-01
3 timing 1 18 3.3200863 0.08509702 2.556813e-03
5 drug 1 18 6.9669754 0.01665407 * 3.858303e-03
4 age:timing 1 18 0.1206849 0.73232183 9.316952e-05
6 age:drug 1 18 1.4761135 0.24008106 8.199634e-04
7 timing:drug 1 18 8.6809914 0.00863464 * 1.762140e-03
8 age:timing:drug 1 18 0.1939504 0.66489196 3.943761e-05
My question is: is it possible to have such significant effects of drug with those small effect sizes (ges column)?