This is the model I'd like to code. And here's my current lavaan code, but I'm unsure if this is correct. [Note: I'm not interested in the M1*M2 relationship]:
M1 ~ a1*X + covs
M2 ~ a2*X + covs
M3 ~ a3*M1 + a4*M2 + X
Y ~ b*M3 + c*X + covs
IndirectM1 := a1*a3*b
IndirectM2 := a2*a4*b
IndirectM1M2 := (a1*a3*b) + (a2*a4*b)
I'm particularly confused about whether the IndirectM1M2 code is correct. This combined effect of M1, M2 and M3 on Y is of primary interest. I'm also a little confused about whether I need to add the covariates to every path (I think this is correct, as they can reasonably confound the X - M relationships aswell as the M - Y relationships).