I am looking at relationships between student scores in different subjects.
I have the following 4 variables:
- V1: score subject 1: continuous from 0-30, converted to categorical: low (<10), medium (<20), high (>=20)
- V2: score subject 2: continuous from 0-40, converted to categorical: low (<20), high (>=20)
- V3: score subject 3: continuous from 0 to 10
- V4: score subject 4: continuous from 0 to 10
I want to test a hypothesis of the following form:
Students that have a high score in subjects 1 and 2 score better in subject 3 than in subject 4.
So I am considering V1 and V2 as independent variables (IV) and V3 and V4 as dependent variables (DV).
What statistical tests can I use and which one would be most appropriate?
Because V3 and V4 are of a similar nature and have the same range, it seems like it should be possible to compare their means in some sort of ANOVA. Is that correct?
My current thoughts are:
They cannot be compared because they are two separate dependent variables? Is there any test to compare the means of two separate variables?
I need to create a special continuous variable to evaluate which score is better and then compare the mean of that between groups. Ex: V5 = V3 - V4
I need to create a special binary variable to evaluate if V3>V4 and then do a logistic regression of that versus V1 and V2 as continuous variables instead of categories.
Flip it around so that V1 and V2 are DVs and V3 and V4 are IVs.