I'm struggling with question 6 in the Exercises to Chapter 3 (page 80) of Bayesian Data Analysis by Andrew Gelman.
We have data Y modeled as independent binomial data, with both $N$ and $θ$ unknown, as per Raftery's 1988 paper "Inference for the binomial N parameter: A hierarchical Bayes approach".
$Y∼Bin(N,θ)$ and
$N∼Poisson(μ)$, where $λ=μθ$
The (noninformative) prior distribution of $λ,θ$ is $p(λ,θ) \propto λ^{-1}$
The question 6(a) asks you to transform to determine $p(N,θ)$.
It's similar to the following question, but I haven't been able to use that to get to the answer.
Bayesian Aproach: Infering the N and $\theta$ values from a binomial distribution